Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Treasure

I will share the list of book I have enjoyed the most, and of course, my favourites. Some of them read twice! I consider them a treasure because I have learned a lot of things with these...

BUT! Here are my favourites:

Maya's Notebook 
Isabel Allende

Is the story of a disastrous teenage girl, lost in the world of alcohol, drugs and prostitution; and how slowly is opened to a new life. Maya, is sent by her grandmother to Chile to scape from police, where she is to live with a friend of hers.

From this book, I have learned that, even if you have destroyed your life with bad choices, you can fix it and find success only if you are willing for change.

The Secret Life of Bees 
Sue Monk Kidd

This is definitely one of my favourite books! I read it when I was 14 years old, and the story line is very interesting, and I have read it three times and I'm still not tired of it.

13-year-old Lily decides to run away from home to find about her dead mother in South Carolina. Her nanny, Roseleen, helps her in her journey. In their travel, they meet a family of three afroamerican women. There, Lily had various experiences; but mostly, she learns about female power and to make others respect her.

Like Water For Chocolate 
 Laura Esquivel

I first read this novel for Spanish class when I still lived in Venezuela. It is about a girl named Tita, who   suffer her entire life to marry her loves, Pedro, but she can't marry him because of her family tradition: the youngest daughter must not marry, but take care of her mother until the day she dies. The book is written as various cooking recipes; so she expresses herself when she cooks.


The Pillars of the Earth 
Ken Follet

I am currently reading this book, and yet not have had the time to finish it since I got it as a Christmas present last December because of school... It is a looooong long book, but worth reading! 


  1. I like the way you also post the book cover. I know a lot of people decide to read a book by its cover and also the fame. Moreover, thanks for the little introduction of the books. It gives me so much more information on whether I should read it or not. I may try to read Maya's Notebook. It looks like it really reflects on the reality of the society now. It looks like an interesting book to be explored. Thanks for the recommendation and sharing! (:

  2. I was attracted by all the book cover you have posted, and you changed the font color for each letter in "Favourite". This is really creative! There are some books I've never read before, the summary and information from you make me want to read them! Really thanks for sharing I will go look for the books that I am interested too :)

  3. Wow! Great job Carla, your formatting for this post was great. I liked how not only did you include the titles of the novels you have read, but also the book covers and for some even a brief synopsis. The creative aspects of this post grabbed my eye from the start didn't let go. I also liked how you spoke directly to your readers, instead of just listing them all out. Great job!

  4. This blog is very appealing because of the decorative layout. I may try to read Maya's Notebook. It looks like it really reflects on the reality of the society now. I enjoy reading your brief synopsis's of some of your books you have posted, it is very fun breeze through. Your novels look very interesting and I am glad you have shared them with all of us. Thank you.
